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The Country Is The Cure
The Country Is The Cure

Did you know we have a podcast?
Growing up in the aviation industry, our Marketing Manager and Charter Pilot, Georgie Arnold, always cherished the stories her role models that raised her would tell.
Georgie felt that these stories needed to be told and the voices of legendary aviators across our nation needed to be heard….which is when she decided that a poddy would be the perfect place!
Whether people think it or not - the aviation industry impacts us all, by transporting stock, connecting us as a nation to others around the globe, taking us to see our loved ones in times of need..aviation plays a vital role in the lives of every Australian. With such an important industry being so short staffed, our mission is to spread awareness by sharing stories of Aussie legends as far as possible in hopes to encourage more into joining the industry.
The podcast has over 12,000 frequent flyers (listeners) and is inspiring others to step into a career that truly makes them excited, motivated and eager to get out of bed in the morning.
In the latest episode of Aviatrix Airwaves, Georgie interviewed Townsville Helicopters graduate, Kingsley Moore.
From a lost, confused and troubled grade 8 drop out, to a motivated, resilient and inspiring role model for many, Kingsley Moore opens up in this episode about his journey in the agforce and where his flightpath has taken him. Georgie & Kingsley, who were previously flight school friends, reflect on their time as students and remind the frequent flyers, that everyone has to start somewhere and that hard work should not be replaced with 'luck.'
Serious stuff aside...Not only is this episode excellent for those with an interest in agriculture, there's also a few good chuckles about radio chat and top (less) passengers.
It has been the most downloaded episode across both seasons and we highly recommend plugging it in on your drive home! Don’t forget to send in your reviews and leave us a star (or five) if you enjoyed it.
Photo credit: Kingsley Moore